4:30 - 6:30 PM
Ascension Vortex Ceremony with Divine Touch Healing and Sound Healing by Navkiran & Satya
Rise into the subtle realms of Spirit, freeing yourself from bondage and blockages! and receive messages from the Higher Divine Self, Guides and Spiritual Teachers in our Ascension Ceremony.
The Ascension Vortex Ceremony was born years ago when we received the divine message to expand our one-on-one Divine Touch Healing service to more people. We were divinely guided to do it.
This space is dedicated to guided meditation and receiving divine messages. Through opening an energetic vortex, we elevate our vibrational frequency, allowing us to release old energies and welcome new, higher frequencies and divine codes to enhance our DNA temple. This process enables us to connect more deeply with the subtle realms.
After creating the Ascension Vortex, each participant will receive DIVINE TOUCH HEALING, a revolutionary method of healing and spiritual awakening channeled by Satya & Navkiran.
In addition, the inner journey of healing and connection will be guided by the vibration of the Gong, Tibetan bowls and the Celestial drum, taking us even further to subtle states of consciousness.​

What benefits does the Ascension Vortex Ceremony bring?
✔ Holistic healing.
✔ Deep dense energy cleansing.
✔ Release of physical, emotional and mental blocks.
✔ Relaxation of the body and mind.
✔ Raising vibration.
✔ Clarity and mental neutrality.
✔ Unlocking of Chakras (energy centers)
✔ Connection with the Higher Divine Self.
✔ States of recognition in the Divine Self.
✔ Reception of messages from the Soul and Divine answers.
✔ Expansion of consciousness and Spiritual awakening.
This powerful Ceremony is definitely for you if:
You seek connection with your Higher Divine Self, raise your vibration to subtle states of consciousness, receive divine answers and heal by releasing blockages and conflicts.
Please confirm your attendance.​
​​If you are committed to your personal growth, healing, spiritual awakening and expansion of consciousness, the ascension vortex ceremony is for you!

Satya & Navkiran
International School of Consciousness Expansion and Spiritual Awakening.
Satya & Navkiran, guardian souls on the path to healing and spiritual awakening, have helped more than 5,000 people around the world to walk this path of awakening and realization.
Kundalini Yoga Instructors KRI and Teacher Trainers. Creators, channelers and trainers of the Divine Touch quantum healing method.