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Kundalini Yoga

The yoga of consciousness that quickly raises the    vibration and connects you with your soul. Brings clarity, peace and awareness of the present moment.

Includes asanas, breathing, mantras, mudras

and bandhas that helps to awaken into oneness.

Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:30 am.

90 minutes / 7.000 CRC (13 USD)

Ask for packages of classes.

Bring mat and comfortable clothes.

Bamboo Shala, Cocles.


The Power of Mantra & Meditation
with Celestial Communication

Let's go deeper into the knowledge and power of the ancient sacred technology of Kundalini Yoga to conquer the Yoga state, awakening our Kundalini Shakti Energy -spiritual energy-. The practice will be guided through Mantras and Pranayamas to experience a deeper sense of our True Identity or Sat Nam.

We will experience a vibrant moving meditation called Celestial Communication that will awaken in you the deepest devotion to yourself and to your divine essence. It activates the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th chakra so that you attract all the blessings that vibrate in frequency with your Soul.

More about Celestial Communication

Suspended for the moment.


Healing & Awakening

Krystic Light Energy Healing
& Spiritual Activation

Let go of tension and pain in a space of relaxation and healing. Unlock mental programs and beliefs, achieving clarity and emotional balance.

Activate and achieve a greater degree of coherence in your subtle bodies and energy system.

And receive divine guidance to connect with your highest purpose.

/ Health, balance, freedom, awakening, guidance.


​Conscious sliding scale between:

90 minutes session / 60.000 to 120.000 CRC.

90 minutes session with Navkiran and Satya / 100.000 to 160.000 CRC

90 minutes couple session with Navkiran and Satya / 170.000 to 340.000 CRC

3 sessions 20% discount / 6 sessions 30% / 7 and more 40%.

Ask for Distance Healing, for Group Healing Session like families or companies and for Energy Place Clearing.

* Special discount for locals and for whom is living in Puerto Viejo.


Gentle and relaxing but powerful therapy that eliminates deep locked trauma along the spine.

It is a gentle and specific massage that is performed on the reflex areas of the spine in the feet, hands and head. It helps to heal any conscious and unconscious traumatic experiences in the past being in the womb and at birth. It helps to move forward and go beyond unconscious limitations. For anyone who wants to deal with these issues and highly recommended for pregnant women.

/ Relaxation, healing, liberation.

75 minutes / Between 45.000 to 90.000 CRC.


Non-invasive complementary therapy where the energy channels of the body are re-woven and re-connected with the universal energy network. Generates healing and balance in the electromagnetic field. For people who have been operated, with wounds or breaks, scars and for those who feel low energy and lack of vitality.

/ Healing, reconnection, balance.

75 minutes / Between 45.000 to 90.000 CRC.


If you feel like you need a system reset, this therapy is for you. Balancing your energy centers generates emotional balance, mental neutrality, allows vital energy to flow again throughout the energy system creating a new pranic circulation. For people with a lack of vitality, creativity, motivation and spiritual disconnection.

/Balance, clarity, relaxation, spiritual connection.

60 minutes / Between 40.000 to 80.000 CRC.


Discover your energy potential and take preventive     actions for your health. Know the health of aura, chakras, organs, meridians and your energy level

of stress or balance. Includes PDF.

/ Perception that we are energy and that all is connected, guidance.

60 minutes / Between 55.000 to 100.000 CRC.

Cocles, Puerto Viejo Talamanca.


Ascension Vortex Ceremony

Guided Meditation + Ascension Vortex + Quantum Healing + Channeled Messages

A sacred space brought to earth from source through Arcangels, Ascended Masters and Galactic Family of Light. Was given to us years ago as a sacred ritual used for eons in the galaxy for the ascension of beings to get closer to our divine nature. Every gathering give us space for integrating new light codes, activating our sacred Crystalline (Christ) light body DNA.

 / Expansion of consciousness, recognition of the creative being, purpose in coherence with unconditional love and divine presence.

“I felt that everything is connected, that we are all protected and that the world is perfect. It was very very exciting! I am very grateful!" Tristan.

Each month. Write us to let us know your interest.

90 minutes

Bring mat, comfortable clothes and cushion if you want.


Satya Kriya
Breath of the Soul

Incredible & powerful experience to awaken

(DMT releasing), activate and move the flow of spiritual energy Kundalini through your body.

You can experience radical changes in your mind, nervous and endocrine systems as well as a boost in your inmune system, between many other benefits.

Gives you an incredible sensation of connection to the All that arises from within, expressing it self as a deep feeling of gratitud and peace.

"I felt very deep and strong emotions coming out."


"I didn't know that with breathing I could have connection experiences like with drugs."


"I felt how I was the ant, the butterfly, the trees, everything!"

Each month. Write us to let us know your interest.

90 minutes

Bring mat, comfortable cloth and cushion if you want.

Bamboo Shala.

Cocles, Puerto Viejo Limón.

Costa Rica.


Limited spots.

Reserve by wapp



Navkiran & Satya

Navkiran & Satya are parents of Raimundo and Milagros. They were born in Chile and the last 10 years have being traveling in different countries. Since the 2022 they are living on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica.


Together they are meant to help and guide, themselfs and others, through the journey of self discovery and ascension. After both of them made a career in the business world, Navkiran & Satya met again, and since then they have lived a deep spiritual awakening. This led them to awaken deep knowledge and understanding of the core reality underneath all senses, discovering healing gifts and a profound divine source connection. They also found wonderful answers in studies of quantum and energy healing, transpersonal psychology, radiesthesia, egyptian ankh healing knowledge, in the understanding of yoga and meditation through Kundalini Yoga, and in the deep understanding of working, moving and adjusting the energy in their bodies. Navkiran & Satya are blessed to receive infinite wisdom through channeling and divine guidance. After several years developing themselves as therapists (2009) and teaching Kundalini Yoga (2012), they were guided to create School Of Love -S.O.L- a guide back to the Soul and an invitation for the vibration of the energy of Love to be our school. Where they teach Energy Healing & Spiritual Activation Training, Breathing Coach Training, Kundalini Yoga classes, guide Ascension Vortex Ceremony, Satya Kriya The Breath of the Soul, and other beautiful and powerful tools of healing, meditation and ascension. "Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.” UCDM  

We are Energy. We are Love. We are One.

School Of Love, a guide back to the Soul.


S.O.L is an invitation for the vibration of the energy of love to be our school. May love show us the true path and lead us to mastery in our lives. The energy of love is the awareness that is present when we move forward, heal and feel peace with who we are, what we do and how we live.

School Of Love is a guide back to the Soul. A channel for Love and Truth to clarify the perspective of life. A bridge so that the Universal Source has the freedom to help heal, to reveal the essence of who we are and to find our purpose in life.

Follow us in Instagram!


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