by Satya & Navkiran
A journey to our True Identity
Experience the power of knowledge of this ancient sacred technology.
We invite you to awaken Kundalini energy, your spiritual essence, to conquer health, vitality, happiness and return to peace, love, freedom and the state of Yoga, Unity.
USD $29,90
✔ A new Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Class per week.
✔ Practice it as many times as you want.
✔ Constant assistance by Navkiran & Satya.
✔ Be part of a community based on love, support and commitment with the spiritual practice!
- Every week you will have access to a new powerful Kundalini Yoga Class.
- We recommend practicing the same Kriya and Meditation (class) at least 2 or 3 times in a week.
- You can practice them at the time that suits you because the classes are recorded in a great quality.
- You can access to the classes trough your profile at Hotmart site.
- By registering you will get constant support by Navkiran & Satya in your practice through WhatsApp Community Group!
Kundalini Yoga is for you if...
✔ You are looking for an effective tool for healing, awakening consciousness and transformation.
✔ You want to go through blockages such as stress, fear, anxiety, tiredness, confusion, lack of health, lack of self-esteem and self-love.
✔ You seek to feel states of high vibration such as peace, clarity, creativity and happiness.
✔ You feel tired and want to recover your vitality, rejuvenate yourself and feel part of the Life Force that gives life to everything that exists.
✔ You are dedicated to the field of health, well-being or healing and want to complement your service with powerful natural and healthy practices.
✔ Do you like running, climbing, cycling, or are you a triathlon competitor and want to maximize your breathing capacity, your concentration and obtain better results.
✔ You want to manifest from the Soul and magnetize without great efforts what you are looking for in your life.
✔ You want to transform problems into opportunities.
✔ You want to live a life with deep purpose.
✔ You need to express your essence, radiate from the heart, expand and unify in the state of Yoga, return to the state of Unity.

Davyn, Canada.
"Satya and Navkiran are providing transformational energy healing, Kundalini and sacred ceremonies in Puerto Viejo. The value and love they bring to our community is incredible. Every time I participate, I leave feeling energized, deeply connected, at peace, and alive. They have a sincere, compassionate and driven desire to help us heal our wounds and awaken our spirit to live passionate, authentic lives. Thank you to both of you amazing teachers for your commitment to your path and serving our community with such a transformational practice!"

Morgan, USA.
“I've participated in Navkiran's & Satya's kundalini yoga classes, meditation challenges, and Divine Touch trainings, and I always leave their presence feeling uplifted, inspired & connected. It has been such a huge blessing & joy to get to know them & to witness them fully embodying & living that which they teach. I also love that they incorporate teachings from A Course in Miracles. Their wisdom & dedication to the Truth is undeniable, and I am grateful for the Light they are shining so brightly from right here in Puerto Viejo. I highly recommend working with Navkiran & Satya in whichever capacity you feel called."
USD $29,90
✔ A new Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Class per week.
✔ Practice it as many times as you want.
✔ Constant assistance by Navkiran & Satya.
✔ Be part of a community based on love, support and commitment with the spiritual practice!
Satya & Navkiran

International School of Consciousness Expansion & Spiritual Awakening.
Satya & Navkiran have dedicated themselves for years to expanding powerful knowledge and effective spiritual practices from both the Tantric tradition and Kundalini Yoga & Meditation, as well as direct information channeled from the Light of the original Christ Source. They are founders of School Of Love, creators of Divine Touch (Christ Light Healing and Spiritual Activation), The Breath of the Soul (Satya Kriya) and other powerful tools for the expansion of Consciousness. They have shared their knowledge internationally reaching people all over the world. Your mission on Earth is the pure transmission of the Christ Consciousness for the total unification of the Universal Ascension of all Beings.
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